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UMD Australia Officially Launches its NSW Operations and Appoints Tony Joseski as its Representative

11 November 2011 – Sydney, Australia – On 11 November 2011, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) celebrated an important milestone in its continuous growth strategy in Australia by officially launching its operations in New South Wales and appointing Tony Joseski as UMD Regional Representative.


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The function at Sydney’s fashionable ArtHouse Hotel was attended by over 100 prominent guests from all over New South Wales and Australia.  These included diplomats, parliamentarians including Mr. Stephen Jones for Throsby, Mr. Paul Fletcher for Bradfield and Ms. Tania Mihailuk for Bankstown, local NSW officials such as Alex Kuskoff, Councillor for the Bankstown City Council, journalists, writers, UMD members and supporters, and leaders of Macedonian community organisations engaged in education, culture, sport and religion.  UMD Australia Treasurer Rob Pasquale travelled from Perth to attend, as did UMD Canberra/ACT Regional Representative Martin Nikoloski from Canberra.

In his speech, Macedonia’s Ambassador to Australia, Ambassador Pero Stojanovski praised the important advocacy and charitable work of UMD in North America and in Australia.  “UMD has a clear agenda for strengthening the capacity of the Macedonian diaspora for social progress and for building strong relations between Australia and Macedonia.  Tony Joseski is a young leader who is fully dedicated to serving his community and advancing closer relations between New South Wales  and Macedonia.”

Mr. Stephen Jones MP, Chairman of the Australia Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group noted that “Since 2005, UMD has played a positive and constructive role in shaping national, parliamentary and policy debates on the need to build closer relations between Australia and Macedonia.  The appointment of Mr. Joseski will deepen the social, economic and government relations impact of UMD in Sydney and NSW.”

UMD Australia Director, Ordan Andreevski stated that “Tony has been carefully recruited for this important leadership position based on his proven track record as an Australian Macedonian young leader who has represented Australia in international sport.  I am confident that Tony and his team of young, highly educated and motivated UMD members and supporters will make a very positive and significant contribution to the social, cultural, policy and public diplomacy outcomes of UMD in Sydney and beyond.”  

According to Tony Joseski “The launch of the UMD operations in New South Wales is a timely and significant point in the growth of the UMD in Australia.  I will focus on uniting the community around core values, strategic priorities and high impact projects and campaigns which will improve the status, the public policies and support base of the Macedonian community in this part of Australia.  My team and I will build solid relations with all relevant stakeholders in New South Wales and seek their support for strengthening the Macedonian community and preserving its identity, heritage and culture.  I will also focus on nurturing links with NSW Government, Parliament, Business, Media, Universities and think tanks.  Our goal is to achieve positive outcomes for the community and to deepen and widen Australia’s ties with Macedonia.”

Media Contacts:

Ordan Andreevski
Mob. 0438 385 466   

Tony Joseski 
Mob. 0400 332 375


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