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UMD Applauds the Establishment of the International Macedonian Medical Society (IMMSOC)

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) applauded today the establishment of the International Macedonian Medical Society (IMMSOC). Established in September, the IMMSOC was founded by two prominent members of the Macedonian diaspora, Dr. Zoran Becvarovski MD from Sydney, Australia and Dr. Boris Karanfilov from Columbus, Ohio.

“Our duty as Macedonian diaspora is to help, in any way possible, the betterment of the Macedonian people worldwide, be it in terms of foreign policy or medicine and what the IMMSOC has envisioned to do is remarkable and UMD wishes them all the best,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski. “I applaud Dr. Becvarovski and Dr. Karanfilov for leading this effort, and urge other doctors of Macedonian heritage to get involved in IMMSOC.”

The IMMSOC is a growing organization of enthusiastic medical and allied health professionals dedicated to the promotion and improvement of the health and well being of the local community as well as specifically addressing the particular needs of the Macedonian community. The objectives of the organization are promotion of professional standards of its members, providing a forum for professional and social exchange amongst its members and continuing medical education, and advocating on behalf of members in regards to community health issues.

Accolades for the establishment of the IMMSOC also came from Macedonia’s Minister of Health Nikolov Todorov as well as the Parliament of New South Wales, Australia through a motion by the Honorable Shaoquett Moselmane.

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