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UMD Announces Summer Fellows in Washington, D.C.

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to introduce to you our current International Policy and Diplomacy Fellows working from the UMD office in Washington, D.C. this summer: Brennan Hicks, Filip Jotevski, Gizem Korkmaz, and Brooke Lee.

The UMD Fellowship Program is designed for undergraduate and graduate students interested in current affairs regarding Macedonia and Southeast Europe. This Fellowship/Internship Program serves as an effective means to introduce and advance a future career in foreign policy, journalism, public relations, human rights, advocacy, government, or the nonprofit sector. If interested, or know of anyone interested in applying for the program, please click HERE.

“UMD’s Fellows are some of our strongest assets, especially this year when we mark our 10th anniversary, and without them we would not be able to carry on the important work of our mission to promote Macedonian causes in Washington, D.C. and worldwide,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski. “These young individuals are the future leaders in global affairs and UMD is investing in their professional development.”

Brennan Hicks is from Colleyville, Texas. He is entering his third year as an Honors International Relations major in the Fulbright College, University of Arkansas. At the University of Arkansas, he is a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and has served as a Supplemental Instructor of Macroeconomics for the Enhanced Learning Center. He has a passion for foreign affairs policymaking, international diplomacy, and economics.

He plans to study abroad within the next year in Germany in order to become fluent in the German language. After graduating college, he hopes to continue his education through graduate school for a career in trade economics and international law.

Filip Jotevski is an undergraduate student at the University of Cincinnati pursuing a double major in Marketing and International Business with a minor and focus in Professional Sales. Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, Filip grew up with his family who emigrated from Bitola, Macedonia.

As a proud Bearcat at UC, he became highly involved in the community early on and has served as the President of the UC Sales Leadership Club, President of his residence hall, and held executive positions on the Cincinnati Dance Marathon and Rugby Football Club boards. He also held positions in Student Government, a social fraternity, and is a campus tour guide.

In 2013, he spent his summer abroad in Nantes, France and Brussels, Belgium studying EU affairs and international management culture at one of Europe’s top private business schools, Audencia École de Management.

In his spare time, he enjoys being active on social media (@filipjotevski), playing rugby, and volunteering for local causes such as Accounting 4 Kids and Junior Achievement where he teaches basic business proficiency to 1st and 2nd graders at inner-city public schools in Cincinnati.

Filip will be one of the leaders of Generation M – UMD’s emerging community leaders program coming this fall.

Gizem Korkmaz was born in Ankara, Turkey and came to the U.S. in 2009 for her senior year in high school and decided to stay in the U.S for college.

She majored in Political Science and minored in History at Virginia Tech where she joined a Business Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, and interned with the College Republicans throughout college.

In Spring of 2013, she studied abroad in Switzerland for four months with the Presidential Global Scholars, which is a study abroad program sponsored by University Honors.

She graduated with University Honors from Virginia Tech in Spring 2014 and is currently interning with Congressman Connolly and the United Macedonian Diaspora in Washington, D.C.

With a passion for international relations, human rights, political economy and political risk assessment, she also follows Turkish politics and has a special interest for Turkish political history.

Currently, she is working towards getting a Masters Degree in International Relations or Economics and wants to work with the State Department to specialize in foreign affairs and national security.

Brooke Lee is a rising senior at the University of Washington majoring in Political Science with a focus on International Security and a minor in Art History.

While at school she sat on the Residential Community Student Association’s Executive Board as the Director of Marketing and Outreach and next year will be their Director of Programming. During her time in D.C. she is enrolled in summer term with the Washington Center’s International Affairs program, while interning with UMD.

She is very excited for the opportunity to learn more about the non-profit advocacy sector since one day she hopes to have a career within the field of international affairs.

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