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UMD Announces Fall 2014 Fellows

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to introduce our current International Policy and Diplomacy Fellow Salvatore Schiano, and our Special Projects Fellow Hristina Manovska.

“UMD Fellows are a key asset to our crucial work, especially this year when we mark our 10th anniversary. Without them we would not be able promote Macedonian causes as effectively and professionally as we do,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski. “These young individuals are the future leaders in global affairs and UMD is investing in their professional development.”

Salvatore Schiano is from Watertown, Massachusetts. He is in his last semester as an undergraduate at the University of Massachusetts Lowell where he is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science with a focus in International Studies and a minor in Psychology. He will be graduating in December 2014 with a Magna Cum Laude distinction. For his last semester he is staying with the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, where, in addition to his UMD Fellowship, he will be taking a course, working on a civic engagement project and attending seminars with senior officials in the public and private sector.

While at school, Salvatore has been involved with many supplementary projects; as a research assistant he supported his professor with a reference book project. As a researcher and writer, he co-authored an article on media freedom and social tolerance, which he presented this past summer at the International Communications Association’s Annual Conference in Seattle, WA and is currently under review for a publication in an academic journal. He is a member of Psi Chi the International Honors Society in Psychology. In his spare time, he volunteers at his local District Court as a mediator in small claims cases.

Salvatore is thrilled to be working in the International Policy and Diplomacy Fellows program at UMD as he hopes to pursue a career within the field of International Affairs while continuing his education through graduate school.

Hristina Manovska was born in Tetovo, Macedonia. After finishing high school in the same town, she moved in Skopje, where she started her studies Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in the Accounting and Auditing Department. In 2013, she moved to Washington, D.C. to continue her studies at Montgomery College in Maryland in the field o Health Information Management. Her inquisitiveness drives her toward learning and experiencing new things and enjoys travelling, reading, and meeting new people of diverse backgrounds.

The UMD Fellowship Program is designed for undergraduate and graduate students interested in current affairs regarding Macedonia and Southeast Europe. The Fellowship serves as an effective means to introduce and advance a future career in foreign policy, journalism, public relations, human rights, advocacy, government, or the nonprofit sector. If interested, or know of anyone interested in applying for the program, please click HERE.

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