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UMD and TCA Announce Historic $150,000 Matching Grant Agreement

For Immediate Release

Contact: (202) 756-2244;  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – September 11, 2008 – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) and the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) are pleased to announce a generous challenge-matching grant of $150,000.  Over the next three years, TCA will match every dollar donated to UMD up to a maximum of $50,000 per year equaling a total fundraising goal of $300,000.  This gracious gift will allow UMD to expand its work dramatically and, for the first time, retain a full-time Executive Director.

“This historic agreement is a testament to the growing partnership between Macedonian- and Turkish-Americans,” stated Metodija A. Koloski, UMD President.  “Both communities are working cooperatively to ensure that their voices are heard on the world stage on vital matters of mutual interest in Southeast Europe, including NATO enlargement and the promotion of security, democracy and human rights in the Balkans ” added Koloski.

Since its independence in 1991, relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Turkey have been excellent.  Ankara’s early diplomatic recognition of Macedonia, together with its constitutional name and consistent support for Macedonian membership in NATO, have further strengthened the historic ties between the two nations that span more than five centuries.  Macedonians are proud that Ataturk himself, the revolutionary founder of modern Turkey, was educated and raised in the historic Macedonian city of Bitola.

“The cooperation and cultural ties that link the peoples of Turkey and Macedonia are reflected in the outstanding relationship that exists between the Turkish-American and Macedonian-American communities, a relationship that TCA and UMD are striving to enhance,” said TCA President Lincoln M. McCurdy.  

Earlier this year, UMD and TCA joined in awarding scholarships to Macedonian-American undergraduate students to study abroad for a semester in Turkey.  TCA also has vigorously supported Macedonia’s NATO membership in Washington and sent letters to President Bush on the eve of the recent NATO Summit in Bucharest.

UMD urges Macedonians throughout the world to take advantage of this wonderful grant matching opportunity by donating today.  Click HERE to donate.


Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is an international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.

The Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) is an educational, charitable organization incorporated in February 2007.  Based in the nation’s capital, TCA’s objective is to increase awareness on Turkish American issue through public education..

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