United Macedonian Diaspora


The UMD John L. N. Bitove, C.M. Macedonian Heritage Scholarship Program provides merit-based scholarships for young and promising students in the Macedonian Diaspora pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies in the U.S., Australia, Canada, or Europe. In 2010, the scholarship was named after John L. N. Bitove, C.M. – a prominent businessman, member of the Order of Canada, staunch philanthropist, and a long time supporter, activist and pillar within the Macedonian Community.

UMD will award up to four scholarships annually, two in the amount of $2,000 each and two in the amount of $1,500 each for full-time undergraduate and graduate students at an accredited American, Australian, Canadian, or European college or university.

For more information on the scholarship criteria and how to apply, email us at info@umdiaspora.org.

I was honored to be one of the recipients of the UMD Macedonian Heritage Scholarship. Thank you for supporting Macedonians in the diaspora in achieving their academic aspirations.



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