Site icon United Macedonian Diaspora

Our vital work to defend Macedonia depends on you…

Dear Friend,

Being one of the co-founders of the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), and serving as its Vice President since 2008, I can attest to the vital work that this organization has been doing since its foundation in 2004.  We started this organization in order to promote the Macedonian interests, culture and history and defend it from those who constantly attack and deny our existence. 

We just completed our 6th year in operation, but there are many years of global advocacy on Macedonian matters ahead of us.  We are thinking globally, but acting locally.  We are reaching out to communities worldwide to stand up and work for the cause.  UMD is cultivating the next generation of young Macedonian leaders.

UMD is able to do this work because of you and the tireless work of many volunteers associated with UMD.  Thank you for your strong support over the last six years!  But UMD needs support going forward.  As you saw in the e-mail from UMD Treasurer Denis Manevski last week, your secure online tax-deductible donation today to UMD will be DOUBLED by a generous donor — who challenged our organization to raise $25,000 before midnight on December 31st. 

We have raised nearly $14,000!  We need to raise $11,000 more before the fast approaching end of the year.  Please help us meet that challenge, so that every single dollar you donate will be doubled, up to $25,000.  Every dollar counts and every dollar helps towards our $25,000 goal including new memberships, renewal memberships, and donations to our Baba and Dedo Fund.  Donations from U.S. and Canadian donors are tax-deductible.  Click here.  (Please Note: for Canadians, we advise mailing a donation so you can receive a tax-receipt)

The opposition to Macedonia is obvious but sometimes may not be so obvious if we keep our eyes closed or sit on the sidelines.  One thing I am sure is that UMD is not sitting on the sidelines.

Macedonia’s future has been blocked because of its right to self-determination, because it wants to remain as Macedonia, its language to remain as Macedonian, its identity and people to remain as Macedonian.  Is this too much to ask?  Absolutely not!  Will we let our opponents dictate our identity and our future?  Absolutely not!  Only we, the Macedonians, can shape our future

Macedonia’s opponents attack the truth, because they fear justice.

Macedonia’s opponents attack our identity, because we still exist. 

Macedonia’s opponents are blackmailing Macedonia in the global arena to hide their wrongdoings.

Unjustly, in the past, our side of the story has been buried with lies.  That is why UMD has been at the forefront of the effort to educate various stakeholders, policy makers, and important entities about the simple truth.  About our right to self-determination, about the lack of basic human rights afforded to our fellow Macedonians in the countries surrounding Macedonia, about our right to exist.  Your secure online tax-deductible donation today is vital towards tomorrow’s advocacy work that UMD will be doing for the Macedonian Cause in Washington, D.C., Brussels, Canberra, Ottawa, and Paris among other places.


We must accelerate our efforts, speaking with an even clearer and stronger voice to make absolutely certain that the United States, Australian, Canadian, and all NATO and EU governments stay focused on Macedonia.  Next year we will work to press the international community to:

* Stand up for truth instead of Greece’s and Bulgaria’s outright lies.

* Stand up for full civil rights of Macedonians living in Southeast Europe.
* Stand up for justice, for those who have lost their private properties because they were Macedonians.  These people deserve restitution of their private properties. 

* Stand up against the blackmailing of Macedonia to change its sovereign name.

* Stand up for your right to self-identify as Macedonian.

* Guarantee the territorial integrity of Macedonia.

On all of these issues, you and I are on the front lines of the Macedonian cause.

UMD is a real grassroots group.  No big benefactors, foreign bosses, or business interests set our agenda.  We answer only to you, to our members, to the Macedonian community, to our conscience, and our cause. 

Every dollar is leveraged into countless hours of volunteer work, and goes directly to advance the cause you hold so close to your heart.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (202) 756-2244 or

Please support UMD today and help us meet our $25,000 challenge by midnight on December 31, 2010. 

I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish in 2011 and beyond.

From everyone at the United Macedonian Diaspora, we wish you a joyous and healthy holiday season.  Среќна Нова Година, Честит Божик, и Честити Празници.


Aleksandar Mitreski
Vice President

PS – Your secure online tax-deductible donation today to the UMD will go directly to advancing the Macedonian Cause.  We encourage Canadian donors to send a donation via postal mail to ensure a tax-receipt.  UMD is working to obtain its Australian charitable status.

If you would rather donate by check, please send your contribution to the address below:

United Macedonian Diaspora
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20004

United Macedonian Diaspora
3555 St. Clair Avenue East
Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6

United Macedonian Diaspora
PO Box 2153
Hawthorn, Vic. 3122

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