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Op-ed: Australian bipartisan support needed for Macedonia and its diaspora in Australia

The United Macedonian Diaspora (Australia) is pleased to report that Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate ON LINE Opinion published yesterday an op-ed by UMD Board Member/Australia Director Ordan Andreevski on the topic “Australian bipartisan support needed for Macedonia and its diaspora in Australia.” To read the entire article click HERE.

In the op-ed Andreevski states the following argument that “The policy of delegitimising Macedonia is not in Australia’s national interest. It also does not contribute to its international reputation as a creative middle power with leadership responsibilities at the UN Security Council. The policy is at odds with 135 countries that have recognised Macedonia under its constitutional name including the USA, UK, Canada, Russia, China, India, Indonesia and many others in our region.”

“For the last 22 years, the Macedonian community in Australia has organised street protests, made submissions and sent letters to the Prime Minister and to the Foreign Minister of Australia to put an end to the injustice and to recognise the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name,” continues Andreevski.

“Most recently the United Macedonian Diaspora has asked Senator Bob Carr and his counterpart the Hon Julie Bishop to meet at their earliest convenience with the members of the Australia Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group Co-Chaired by Stephen Jones MP and Luke Simpkins MP and to help address the modest and legitimate demands of the Macedonian community of Australia. Both leaders have been advised that their leadership will be deeply appreciated by the Republic of Macedonia and its diaspora in Australia,” concludes the piece.

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