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NY Times Captures Macedonian Struggle for Freedom in 1900s

The Macedonian Struggle for freedom from the Ottoman Empire was captured by the New York Times through various articles published during the late 1890s and early 1900s. The articles discuss topics such as the creation of the Komiti bands, the efforts to liberate Macedonia, the efforts to win independence similar to the Crete model at the time, the Ilinden Uprising efforts, among other topics.

Click on the below links for the specific articles:

Of particular interest is the article that discusses the Macedonian heroes at the time Goce Deltchev, Dame Gruef, Gjorce Petrov, Hristo Tatarchev who organized the Macedonian insurection.

The author clearly explains how these Macedonians are different than the Bulgarians or the Macedonians in Bulgaria.

A clear testament of the Macedonian identity in the late 1890s and early 1900s is expressed through these articles during a time when Macedonia and Macedonians were trying to liberate themselves from the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The articles define the Macedonians as a separate distinct nationality from the Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Serbians.

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