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NEW REPORT: Unfinished Business: The Importance of NATO Membership for Macedonia

February 15, 2012 – Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to announce the publication of a new report on Macedonia’s road to NATO membership: Unfinished Business: The Importance of NATO Membership for Macedonia.  The report was written by UMD International Policy and Diplomacy Fellows Matthew Emery and Philip Reboli, and edited by UMD Director of Public Relations and Communications Mark Branov. 

Click HERE to download your copy of the report. 

The report is being published in line with UMD’s Macedonia in NATO educational campaign, which has been ongoing since 2007.  In addition to this report, UMD has created a one-pager on Macedonia’s NATO aspirations. 

Click HERE to download your copy of the one-pager.

UMD strongly encourages wide-distribution of both the one-pager and the report. 

In the coming weeks, UMD will launch a new website, which will showcase all of the work Macedonia has done to meet NATO requirements and why Macedonia deserves to receive an invitation to join NATO at the upcoming Summit in Chicago on May 20-21, 2012.

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ACT NOW: If you are a resident in the United States, please click HERE to send a letter to President Obama, your members of Congress, and the national/local media outlets urging support for Macedonia’s NATO membership.


Donate to support UMD’s important work for Macedonia and the Macedonian cause by clicking HERE. (Canadians should click and search “United Macedonian Diaspora” to donate) – All donations from Canadian and U.S. donors are tax-deductible.

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