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Need for Constructive Dialogue Between Ruling and Opposition Groups

October 31, 2007

UMD Stresses Need for Constructive Dialogue Between Ruling and Opposition Groups

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is following with great concern several recent developments in the Republic Macedonia that undermine its national interest. Key among these developments is the continuing lack of serious political dialogue and cooperation between the ruling and opposition groups of the government.

The Republic of Macedonia finds itself at a critical juncture vis-à-vis its relationship with the international community.  It cannot risk derailing its national goals over ill-thought remarks and disagreements. The next few months are crucial to the longer-term goal of EU accession, and the immediate goal of NATO accession.  The United Macedonian Diaspora believes that NATO membership is within grasp and looks forward to Macedonia receiving a membership invitation at the April 2008 Bucharest Summit.

However, calls by some opposition politicians, in foreign media, for a possible return to a “2001 scenario” do not serve the national interest, and only reinforce fears among Macedonian citizens over the sincerity of the leaders’ remarks on national security, dedication to governing principles, and the stability of the rule of law. The United Macedonian Diaspora would like to remind all parties in Macedonia that democratic states are governed by the rule of law, and that dissenting opinions are appropriately addressed through democratic channels.

The United Macedonian Diaspora reiterates its longstanding request that the ruling and opposition groups comprising the government of the Republic of Macedonia begin a good faith dialogue to continue the reforms necessary to ensure the country’s rapid movement to a democratic, free market and pro-Western state, integrated into the fiber of NATO and the European Union.

Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora is an international nongovernmental and nonpartisan organization addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.


For additional information, please contact Marina Veljanovska at (202) 459-8966 or  For general information regarding the activities of UMD, please view our Web site at



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