United Macedonian Diaspora


Australian Census – Tuesday, 10 August 2021

The Census will contain multiple questions on cultural background. This is an invaluable opportunity to have our voices heard and our Macedonian heritage counted. UMD Australia considers that it is vitally important to have our say in the current climate, particularly when our Macedonian identity continues to be questioned and erased.

The information collected by the Census allows government, businesses, local authorities, and not-for-profit organisations across Australia to make informed decisions about our Macedonian community. Noticed a Macedonian book at your local library? Chances are it is there because the library used previous Census data to determine community demographics and stocked the shelves accordingly. The same goes for other community services and policies like health, aged care, education, social services, and translation in the Macedonian language. 

Every stat tells a story … let’s tell our Macedonian story.

The Census can be completed online from early August 2021. 

Paper forms will be delivered to select areas only. If you prefer a paper form, you may request one to be delivered.

For more information in English or Macedonian, visit: 



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