United Macedonian Diaspora

Macedonians – Stand Up and Be Counted!

GREAT NEWS!!!  The U.S. Census 2010 Form is now available on the U.S. Census Bureau website in Macedonian!  We thank Danijela Wilson (translator) and Trajko Papuckoski for all their hard work in making this happen, together with the U.S. Census Bureau team.  This is quite an accomplishment, as it is the first time any U.S. Census Form has been translated into Macedonian.  Click HERE to view it and spread the word!

Anyone who is of Macedonian heritage, regardless of where and when born, has the opportunity to state that by participating and completing the 2010 U.S. Census questionnaire.  The first page of the questionnaire has 10 questions pertaining to the household and Person 1 of the household. The next three pages have questions pertaining to Persons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the household – seven questions per person. On the last page, the names of other persons (Persons 7 – 12) can be listed with some information.

To ensure that the U.S. Census Bureau captures and retains a correct count of Macedonians living in the United States, please follow the below instructions for each person in the household considered Macedonian.

Person 1. (As applicable) Question #9 Race and Ethnic Identity.
Place an “X” in the box next to the word “White”. Place an “X” in the box labeled 
“Some other race – Print race” and then print the word “MACEDONIAN” in the boxes provided below the label.

Person 2. (As applicable) Question # 6 Race and Ethnic Identity
Repeat the same information as described above for Person1.

Person 3 -6. (As applicable) Question #6
Repeat the same information as described above for Person2.

The census questionnaire will be mailed to your home next week, and you will be asked to complete and return the questionnaire in a Bureau provided envelope as soon as possible.

By law, the U.S. Census Bureau cannot share an individual’s questionnaire responses with anyone, including other federal agencies and law enforcement entities. At a later time, census statistics, protecting individual privacy, will be released showing the counts of Macedonians living in different geographic areas.

Every year, the federal government allocates more than $400 billion to states and communities based, in part, on census data. The data are used to determine locations and improvements for schools, hospitals, housing developments, health care clinics, and other community facilities.

Census Confidentiality

When you fill out and mail back your 2010 Census form, your responses are safe and confidential.

Every Census Bureau employee must pass a background check before being hired and must swear under oath to protect the confidentiality of census responses. This is an oath for life. Any employee who reveals any personal census information is subject to severe penalties — including a fine of up to $250,000, imprisonment of up to five years, or both.

By law, no other government agency, law enforcement agency, national security agency, court, or anyone else can access your responses — not anyone for any reason.

No law overrides the confidentiality law that protects personal information collected by the Census Bureau, or can force the Census Bureau to share census responses.
The Justice Department recently confirmed that no provision of the Patriot Act overrides the confidentiality law that protects census responses.

The Department of Justice Letter can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

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