United Macedonian Diaspora

Macedonia on the 70th Anniversary of UN Human Rights Day

On the historic occasion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ 70th Anniversary, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) would like to celebrate the many achievements in democracy, human rights, and international cooperation that have been made since the document’s introduction in 1948.

The values behind that document are more important than ever. UMD stresses the inalienable rights of self-determination enshrined in the document and urges the international community to uphold these values consistently and fairly. The Macedonian people seek consistent and just treatment on the basis of this universal right.

UMD has consistently called for fair treatment for the Macedonian people, who ask only for the right of self-determination – the right to a name, a culture, and an identity. The principle of self-determination guarantees these rights to all people and has done so since 1948. For the Universal Declaration to remain relevant and influential for many years to come, it is imperative that it be applied and respected in a just manner. It is our sincere hope that on the 70th anniversary of the ratification of this document, these values will be upheld and the rights of Macedonians across the world, including in Albania, Bulgaria, and Greece, will be respected.

As ever, we call on the international community and the United Nations to recognize the Republic of Macedonia by its constitutional name.

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