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Macedonia invited to the World Children’s Festival!

Simona and Sofija need our support!
Simona Stojanovska and Sofija Mikarovska from Bitola, Macedonia have been invited to represent Macedonia at the Third World Children’s Festival, sponsored by the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF).  The Festival will be held in WashingtonD.C., from June 22-26, 2007. 


ICAF invited schools from all over the world to participate in the Olympiad by organizing a contest for their students, ages 8-12, on the theme “My Favorite Sport.”  The Primary School “Stiv Naumov” from Bitola accepted that invitation and organized the contest.  The enthusiasm among the children resulted in many creative entries, but like all contests, winners had to be chosen.  Simona Stojanovska won within the digital art category, while Sofija Mikarovska won in the drawing category.  Their talents have earned them this invitation, but now they need our help in order to participate in the festival.

Please help Simona and Sofija represent Macedonia in WashingtonD.C.  While the school is currently fundraising throughout Macedonia and has received publicity from Televizija Tera, Radio Skopje, and Radio Bitola, the assistance from the Macedonian Diaspora is crucial.  For more information, please visit or call +389 47 223 364 and ask for Mr. Ivan Trpkov.  Alternatively, if you are in the United States, call (586) 383-1721 Aleksandra Trpkovska. 

Proceeds may also be sent to the following:

You can wire directly to Macedonia:                                                            
Simona Stojanovska
Account No.
“Stopanska” Bank – A.D. Skopje

For U.S. residents, who may wish to send a check, please do so with a note “Let’s Help Simona and Sofija” to:

United Macedonian Diaspora
P.O. Box 19028
Washington, D.C.20036Or you can use the PayPal credit card system we have on our website on the right. Please indicate that the proceeds should go towards “Let’s Help Simona and Sofija”.
The United Macedonian Diaspora, Simona and Sofija’s families, and the Primary School “Stiv Naumov” are grateful for your support! 




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