United Macedonian Diaspora

IT’S TIME! Macedonians Count: U.S. Census 2020


The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is excited to announce that we are the proud national partner of the U.S. Census Bureau. The U.S. Census is inviting all Americans to respond starting today – everyone is encouraged to fill out the form and private information will not published or used against you by any government agency or court. When you respond to the census, your answers are kept anonymous. They are used only to produce statistics.

UMD has launched a social media campaign “Macedonians Count: U.S. Census 2020” to encourage people to visit https://my2020census.gov and write in “MACEDONIAN” under Question 9.

There are an estimated more than 500,000 Americans of Macedonian heritage in the United States. But the official statistics don’t count all of us. That hurts all of us — and the partnership between our nations.

This year, we can help fix that — by making sure that every American of Macedonian heritage says so in Question 9 of the U.S. Census starting today through July 31, 2020.

An accurate count will help strengthen the U.S.-Macedonia partnership by showing the role of Macedonian Americans in every community — and from coast to coast. An accurate count can help Macedonians be better represented at the local, state, and federal levels, including ensuring U.S. government services are provided in Macedonian.

The census counts everyone in the United States. Census results are the basis for congressional representation and help determine how more than $675 billion in federal funds is distributed each year to support vital programs in states and communities across the country. These funds shape local health care, housing, education, transportation, employment, and public policy.

A critical component of empowering the Macedonian community in the U.S. is an accurate count. Like many other ethnic groups, Macedonians traditionally have been undercounted leading to a diminished sense of representation within American society.

Showing the growth of the Macedonian-American community will translate into increased influence and recognition within American society. With an accurate reflection of the number of Macedonians in the United States, doors will open to a variety of public, civic and private sector services that rely on census data for economic and social assessments. It is therefore vital that Macedonian-Americans complete this year’s census for their own benefit as well as the benefit of the community.

Take the Census and write-in “MACEDONIAN” under question 9 (it is fully confidential, all information is private, and the questionnaire takes less than 10 minutes). Click here: https://my2020census.gov

Please Note: Ensure that all children be counted, as well as the elderly by helping fill out a census form for them!

Throughout the campaign, use hashtags: #MacedoniansCount #2020Census #BeProudtobeMacedonian #ProudtobeMacedonian

Click HERE to fill out our petition that you will write-in “MACEDONIAN” under Question 9.

Help UMD reach more Macedonian-Americans by forwarding this message to everyone you know, especially among your local Macedonian churches and organizations.

You can help support our effort by donating to UMD. Click here to make a secure donation.

Donations to UMD, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, are tax exempt.


The US Census is a count of every person living in the United States taken every 10 years as mandated by the US Constitution. The Census questionnaire is delivered to every household in America, the vast majority by mail, and each one of us has an obligation to answer the 10 questions on the US Census form to make sure our families are counted. This information is used to help communities across the country receive their fair share of $400 billion in federal funds each year. (That is $4 trillion before the next census!) The personal information you share when you fill out the Census is protected by law; it will not be shared with anyone. The Census collects basic information, such as age, sex, and race for every person in every household. Starting in the spring of 2020, everyone will be asked to complete the 2020 census online, by phone or by mail.

2020 Census: 10 Questions, 10 Minutes
Census Reference Day is April 1, 2020. Advance letters will be sent March 12-20 and will include a unique ID number inviting you to fill out your Census survey. About 20% of people will also get a paper form in English and Spanish sent to them with the letter. However, anyone who does not respond online will receive a paper form by the fourth mailing from the Census mailing from the US Census Bureau. The Census form has 10 simple questions about each member of your household that should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Remember, the Census counts all people living in the United States on April 1, 2020, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.

Click HERE for a PDF of the 2020 sample questionnaire census form


In 2020, there is no effective GOTC campaign without a grassroots approach and utilizing social media. The most trusted messengers for Macedonian-Americans are peers, family members, and friends. That means a complete count for Macedonian-Americans is on all of us. Below are some resources for you to implement in your networks and with family and friends.

Types of Grassroots Outreach

There are various grassroots approaches you can take to GOTC. If you have the capacity to host events, consider hosting a Census Block Party or panel about why the Census is important.

If you are hosting an outdoor event, be sure to check if you need a permit from the city or how far in advance you need to reserve any spaces you intend to use. Be sure to be aware of the requirements for tabling at events or using certain resources in a public space. When reserving a space, check to see if it is accessible to your audience. We recommend meeting folks where they are at, so if there is a market or church that Macedonian-Americans typically attend in your area, consider tabling there.

10 Questions in 10 Minutes to Define Who We Are As A Nation

The Census: A Snapshot

• What: The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States.
• Who: All US residents must be counted — both citizens and non-citizens.
• When: You will receive your questionnaire in March 2010 either by US mail or hand delivery. Some people in remote areas will be counted in person.
• Why: The US Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years to count the population and determine the number of seats each state will have in the US House of Representatives.
• How: Households should complete and mail back their questionnaires upon receipt. Households that do not respond may receive a replacement questionnaire in early April. Census takers will visit households that do not return questionnaires to take a count in person.

A Complete Count: The Importance of Census Data

• Every year, the federal government allocates more than $400 billion to states and communities based, in part, on census data.
• Census data are used to determine locations for retail stores, schools, hospitals, new housing developments, and other community facilities.
• Census data determine boundaries for state and local legislative and congressional districts.
2020 Census Questionnaire: Easy, Important and Safe
• With only 10 questions, the 2020 Census questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Households are asked to provide key demographic information, including whether a housing unit is rented or owned; the address of the residence; and the names, genders, ages, and races of residents in the household.
• By law, the Census Bureau cannot share individuals’ responses with anyone, including federal agencies and law enforcement entities.

Filling Out The 2020 Census

What the Census will NOT ask you
1. Your full social security number
2. Your religion
3. Your citizenship status
4. Money or donations
5. Anything on behalf of a political party
6. Your bank or credit card account numbers
7. Your mother’s maiden name

What the Census WILL ask you
1. The number of people living in your house on April 1st
2. Be sure to include everyone who lives in your home, including young children of all ages, and people who are not related to you
3. Details about every individual in your household—name, age, sex, date of birth, and their relationship to you
4. Whether you own or rent your home
5. Your telephone number
6. Your race or ethnicity

There are several ways you can fill out this form based on how you identify
1. You can check more than one box
2. You can check a box and write in your ethnic or national origin
3. You can check “some other race or origin” if you do not identify with the other categories

How the Census Affects Your Community

Federal and State Resources
1. The data collected by the Census Bureau determines how $800 billion dollars in federal funding is spent. Your community needs to be accurately counted to ensure it gets a fair share of federal funding for everything from Medicaid and Medicare to public schools and the roads you all drive on every day.
2. The census is conducted once every 10 years, so an undercount of your community could mean a shortage of funding for the next 10 years.

Political representation
1. The data collected by the Census is used to determine how congressional districts, state legislative districts, and even local and city council districts are drawn.
2. Being counted in the census ensures our communities are properly represented by the government, and participating in the census is a demonstration of our commitment to civic engagement and our political power.
3. Making sure we are fairly and accurately counted is how we make sure that government works for and includes us.

1. Census data is used by researchers, legislators, businesses and more.
2. Filling out the census helps make our community more visible. It allows us to get vital information that will give us a better understanding of the needs of our community, helping us to become better advocates.
3. By filling out the census, we ensure that our community cannot be ignored.

Why we ask the race question (From US CENSUS BUREAU)

Every 10 years since 1790, the U.S. Census Bureau has counted everyone who lives in the country, as required by the U.S. Constitution. The census collects basic information, including age, sex, Hispanic origin, and race, for every person in every household. Starting in mid-March 2020, everyone will be asked to complete the 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail.

The race and ethnicity questions provide important statistics. Responses to census questions provide a snapshot of the nation. We ask about a person’s race to create statistics about race and to present other statistics by race groups. In 2010, for example, the statistics illustrated the nation’s changing racial diversity, as well as the size, growth, and geographic distribution of various racial population groups. In addition, the data collected in these questions is needed by federal agencies to monitor compliance with the antidiscrimination provisions of laws such as the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act.

Responding to the race question is easy. The 2020 Census follows the most recent race and ethnicity standards for the federal government set by the Office of Management and Budget in 1997. When you complete your census form, select one or more boxes for the race(s) you identify with. You can also print your origins in the write-in space if you choose.

The Census Counts Everyone Living in the United States

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