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International Children’s Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the juncture of International Children’s Day, the United Macedonian Diaspora emphasizes its recognition of the devastating economic situation befallen upon many nations in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. This debilitated climate has led to a social abyss, which neglects the support and well being of the least powerful of society; specifically, our children.

Needless to say, this unfortunate circumstance is likely fueling the rise of illegal child smuggling. This includes using children, who are collected on the ruse of a better life in the West, for purposes of prostitution and illegal labor.

As prior noted, Balkan countries generally represent only a transitional phase for many children because they are often smuggled from Eastern Europe with destinations towards the Montenegrin Coast, Western Europe, and the United States. Therefore, UMDiaspora submits that the many ‘transitional’ nations can, and should, act with heightened exigency in order to help stop the smuggling of young and innocent victims from the East to the West.

In light of this, the United Macedonian Diaspora would like to send out a message of solidarity to activists, organizations, and community leaders who have devoted their time and efforts to stopping child trafficking through the Balkan region and beyond. We also wish to convey this spirit of trust and solidarity to all the governments in the region as we appeal to them to submit a greater sense of cooperation and urgency, especially with local community leaders, in order to help poverty stricken members of their society see some positive radiance at the end of the tunnel. As a reminder, UMDiaspora submits that all people can, and should, help to maintain hope for a better future.

For more information about United Macedonian Diaspora and its projects the public is invited to contact the D.C. office at (202) 294-3400, or e-mail at

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