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FEATURE ARTICLE: Influencing Australian Foreign Policy on Macedonia

by Ordan Andreevski

Why hasn’t the Australian Government or opposition recognised the Republic of Macedonia under its Constitutional name? Why should it and what can the Australian Macedonian community do about it?

The Australian Macedonian community has many unmet social and political needs such as the name issue as a result of historical, political, management, and strategic realities and inaction.  The capacity of ethnic communities to influence Australian foreign policy is dependent on their level of commitment, the degree of unity and the strength of their organisations to plan, organize resources, implement campaigns, provide leadership, raise and build sustainable funding and learn from past experience and best practice.  Size of the community is not the critical issue as can be seen from the Jewish community’s example and its strong influence on Australia’s foreign policy in the Middle East.

Why hasn’t the Australian Government or Opposition recognised the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name?

International Political Factors

Australian Political Factors

Why should the Australian Government or Opposition recognise the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name?

In an election year, the attention of busy Australian politicians and their policy advisors will be focused on burning issues relevant to their party’s survival, the national interest and more importantly to retaining power or winning office.  The low priority Macedonian name issue is not on the radar screens of the Federal Government and the opposition and will be competing with other more pressing issues and campaigns launched by influential, professional and well funded sources.  How to get on the radar screen and persuade Australian politicians to devote scare time and accept the Macedonian Constitutional name proposal will be a major challenge for any Campaign Committee.  

Factors that may trigger a shift in policy on the name issue in Australia

The Australian Macedonian community can use strategic public affairs management to advance its interests in Australia and globally.  Vision can be translated into reality with clear thinking, action and partnership with dedicated and competent leaders and stakeholders.  A bit of national pride and readiness to invest in our future also helps.

The Australian Macedonian community will need to get its house in order before it can make an impact on Australian foreign policy.  Addressing the problems and opportunities identified in this article will be a precondition for success. 

Ordan Andreevski is a PhD Candidate in Management at the University of Melbourne and a member of the United Macedonian Diaspora. He can be reached by e-mail at


Views expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the United Macedonian Diaspora nor does their publishing on this website imply support from the United Macedonian Diaspora. 




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