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Congresswoman Slotkin Joins Macedonia Caucus Following UMD Meeting

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is thrilled to announce that Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (Democrat-Michigan’s 8th Congressional District) has joined the bi-cameral and bi-partisan Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans, which currently numbers 35 members.

Michigan is home to the largest population of Macedonian-Americans in the United States. 5 out of 14 members of the Michigan Congressional Delegation are now Macedonia Caucus members, making the State of Michigan number one in representation on the Caucus.

“I was honored to meet with United Macedonian Diaspora’s members and build a stronger relationship with the Macedonian-American community in my District and Michigan; given my past work with Macedonia’s NATO membership, it’s my pleasure to join the Macedonia Caucus,” said Congresswoman Slotkin.

UMD virtually met with the Congresswoman on August 31st. The UMD team consisted of President Meto Koloski, Board Secretary George Peters, U.S. Director/Michigan Chair Deana Janceski, and members and community advocates Christina Atanasoska, Janet Rajcevski, and Nevena Trajkova.

“During our meeting, I extended my warmest wishes for the 30th Anniversary of Macedonian Independence Day and Macedonian-American Heritage Month. I used the opportunity to thank the Macedonian leadership for welcoming Afghan refugees – it says so much about the country’s hospitality, and I look forward to visiting in the future,” concluded the Congresswoman.

“Congresswoman Slotkin is one of our nation’s leading voices in national security and contributes a wealth of experience and knowledge covering Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and beyond; UMD is pleased to call her a friend of Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans, and we look forward to working with her and her staff to advance the important and strategic U.S.-Macedonian relationship,” stated UMD President Koloski.

Congresswoman Slotkin serves on the House Armed Services, Homeland Security, and Veterans’ Affairs Committees. Prior to joining the U.S. House of Representatives, she served as Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Throughout her career, she held roles with the CIA, Pentagon, the White House, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

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