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Canadian National Defence Committee Vice-Chair Bryon Wilfert Urges Support of Macedonia

November 18, 2010 – Ottawa, Canada – On November 10, 2010, Canadian Member of Parliament for Richmond Hill and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on National Defence, Mr. Bryon Wilfert (Liberal Party) sent a letter to The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada urging further Canadian support of Macedonia’s NATO membership.  “Canada should make clear that such a bilateral issue must not impede the vital work of NATO enlargement…a clear invitation to Macedonia to join the Alliance at the Lisbon Summit will benefit Canadian national security and interests in the region,” stated Mr. Wilfert.

To read Mr. Wilfert’s letter to Prime Minister Harper, please click here.

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) met with Mr. Wilfert on November 3, 2010 in Ottawa as part of its advocacy efforts to strengthen Canada-Macedonia relations and encourage full support of Macedonia’s NATO membership.  UMD is grateful to Mr. Wilfert for his strong friendship to Macedonia and the Canadian-Macedonian community.  Richmond Hill, Canada is home to a large Canadian-Macedonian community.

To see a picture of UMD representatives and Mr. Wilfert, please click here.

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