United Macedonian Diaspora


Get Involved with the Association of Macedonian Students at the University of Toronto (AMSUT)

Mission Statement: To organize individuals at the University of Toronto who are Macedonian or who have an interest in Macedonian culture and language as a group that can help to explore their interests outside of a classroom environment through Macedonian themed potlucks, movie nights and outings.

Open to any faculty, staff, alumni, and students of the University of Toronto.

Email: info.amsut@gmail.com
Primary contact: Aleksandar Trajkovski, President

AMSUT Executive Committee Members

Aleksandar Trajkovski   
5th Year Immunology Student
Jeremy Strapko
2nd Year Philosophy Student
Ilija Mondovski
VP of Public Relations and Secretary
2nd Year Political Science Student
Bogoja Trajceski
VP of Membership
Graduate Civil Engineering Student

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