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A Macedonian Songcatcher Saves Ancient Traditions conducted an interview with a leading Macedonian ethnomusicologist where she discusses her interests in the field, the challenges one faces in coaxing songs out of reluctant villagers, and the importance of ritual music in Macedonian culture.

 “32 year-old Velika Stojkova Serafimovska, a professional ethnomusicologist at the Macedonian Institute for Folk Dance and Culture, thoroughly loves her job: exploring remote, almost forgotten villages in search of folk songs that have been handed down through the generations, but which have become endangered as the forces of emigration and urbanization pull Macedonians away from their roots.”


Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the interview. is one of the very few truly independent providers of news and analysis in the Balkans today. Our sometimes controversial and always informative articles cover economics, politics and current events in the Balkans and South-East Europe, and also include travel articles and book and film reviews.

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